Sales Support Tools

W-2, 1099, 1095 Sales Support Tools

Changes & Updates

Check out a listing of the most recent changes and updates to the most popular W-2 and 1099 tax reporting forms.

Interactive Catalog

Interactive catalog featuring popular tax reporting products. Download and add your contact info to the cover to share with customers.

Sell Sheet

Ad featuring tax reporting products. Download and add your contact info with a short promo to the header or footer to share with customers.

Marketing Email

Generate W-2, 1099 and 1095 business with this fully developed email. Simply download the email template and foward it to your user list.

Web Banner Ads

Promote tax reporting forms on your website, in your emails or across the web with three banner ads.

Checks & Supplies Support Tools

Interactive Catalog

Interactive catalog featuring popular check writing products. Download and add your contact info to the cover to share with customers.

Sell Sheet

Ad featuring check writing products. Download and add your contact info with a short promo to the header or footer to share with customers.

Marketing Email

Generate checks and supplies business with this fully developed email. Simply download the email template and foward it to your user list.

Web Banner Ads

Promote checks and supplies on your website, in your emails or across the web with three banner ads.

Folders & Envelopes Support Tools

Interactive Catalog

Interactive catalog featuring popular folder and envelope products. Download and add your contact info to the cover to share with customers.

Sell Sheet

Ad featuring folder and envelope products. Download, add your contact info with a short promo to the header or footer and share with customers.

Marketing Email

Generate folder and envelope business with this fully developed email. Simply download the email template and foward it to your user list.

Web Banner Ads

Promote folders and envelopes on your website, in your emails or across the web with three banner ads.

Mortgage Catalog

Interactive catalog featuring the most popular mortgage products. Download and add your contact info to the cover to share with customers.

Income Tax Catalog

View the most popular income tax products in our interactive catalog. Download and add your contact info to the cover to share with customers.