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W2TRD6E10 - Preprinted W-2 Form 6-part Kit (with Moisture Seal Envelopes) - 10 quantity


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$ 1
Qty: Order a minimum of 1 and in multiples of 1
! Order in multiples of 1

Traditional W-2 Form Kit. This kit is ideal when filing for up to 50 recipients. It includes everything you need to report employee wages to the IRS and your recipients. This kit includes: 

  • 10 Employer Copy A (federal)
  • 10 Employee Copy B (federal)
  • 10 Employee Copy C (records)
  • 10 Employer Copy D (records)
  • 10 Employer Copy 1 (state city local)
  • 10 Employee Copy 2 (state city local)
  • 1 W-3 Transmittal Forms
  • 10 Double Window Moisture Seal Envelopes

Print each copy as a batch, then separate and collate by recipient. Mail federal copies in a batch to the IRS. Mail recipient copies in included Moisture Seal Envelope. Order by number of sets.